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Animal Masks reviews, bio

Animal Masks melds hammering rhythms and ear-worm melodies into a pop/punk/psychedelic brew of catchy tunes and a raucous live show. Their New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania shows, at the Parkside Lounge, Wonder Bar, John & Peter’s and other places, earned rave reviews along with positive feedback on their debut CD: https://animalmasks.bandcamp.com/

CD Ink:

⧫ Laslo Blow-Up Radio tweeted: ``EP is 4 songs of catchy, garage-infused modern rock. I want to rave about its awesomeness but I'll put it simply, It Rocks!''

⧫ Blood Makes Noise Review: ``I'm on my fourth listen, it's that good’’ https://www.bloodmakesnoise.org/single-post/2017/10/02/Animal-Masks

⧫ I Just Read About That said: ``a great four song collection that melds a 70’s glam rock feel with a kind of 80s pop punk’’ https://bit.ly/2XS9hNS

Live Reviews:

⧫ Speak Into My Good Eye: ``The night started off with New Jersey’s Animal Masks. A post-punk, grungy, new wave-influenced trio. You could tell these guys have fun doing what they do, their energy was contagious and set us up perfectly for the rest of the night.’’ http://speakimge.com/httpwp-mep2t3u6-dcg/

⧫ Fan comment on Facebook: ``You guys f*ckin' ROCKED Roxy & Dukes Roadhouse last night! Thanks for the show! You guys really have something special.’’

Other stuff:

⧫ Nominated for a 2016 Asbury Music Award in Psych/Garage/Surf category

⧫ WFMU DJ Pseu Braun said ``I have received and am listening to Animal Masks CD! Ron, it sounds so great - production, playing and tune-age!''

⧫ Brighton Bar’s Greg Macolino: ``Love the groove of the first song. Great production. The drums are ON''

⧫ Tim Cronin of The Ribeye Brothers said “Really solid, `Sad Day’ stood out for me’’

⧫ Radio play: WRSU, WFMU

The band, based in Somerville, NJ, is Ronny Day (guitar, vocals); Dave DeCastro (bass, vocals) and Dan Zachary (drums, vocals)

Rondaze1@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/animalmasksband/

https://www.facebook.com/animalmasksnj/ https://twitter.com/AnimalMasksNJ